Professor Bo Jacobs on the Obama Visit

Two days after Barack Obama’s Hiroshima visit, Professor Bo Jacobs of the Hiroshima Peace Institute shared his thoughts about the visit and the US President’s historic speech with GetHiroshima’s jjwalsh.

Professor Jacobs is a researcher, lecturer and historian of nuclear technology and radiation technopolitics. He is also a long-time Hiroshima resident and a professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute at Hiroshima City University.

This 25 minute interview touches on many issues connected to President Obama’s speech and allows Bo to elaborate on his ideas about the Hiroshima community, tourism, politics as well as nuclear power and peace.

Thanks to Professor Jacobs for sharing his insights and perspectives with us and please feel free to join in the discussion by adding your comments below.

Find Professor Jacobs online


Writing about Hiroshima for over twenty years. Co-founded GetHiroshima in 1999 and founded the sustainability-focused InboundAmbassador business in 2019. Monthly CleanUp and Seeking Sustainability event organizer, guide workshop facilitator, online content creator and tourism destination consultant. Passionate about promoting solutions in Japan for people and the planet.