Fukuyama nightlife cluster, new Covid-19 cases in Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Okayama

July 17 2020

Two new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed by authorities in Hiroshima City and Fukuyama City on July 16. Two new cases were also announced in Okayama City and one case in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.


New Hiroshima City Covid-19 case announced for 7th day in a row

A man in his 20s who lives alone (Hiroshima City Case #105) tested positive for Covid-19 on July 15. It is reported that he developed a fever after work on July 14, the day after having dinner with colleagues in the city. He has no history of travel outside of the prefecture in the last 2 weeks.


Fukuyama spike linked to nightlife event

July 16, the 6th new case of Covid-19 in 3 days was announced in Fukuyama City. 5 of the 6 cases seem to be connected to a man in his 20s who works at a restaurant called Kushiya and attended a club event at a DJ bar called The Rose on July 10 and who tested positive for Covid-19 on July 14.

The man is reported to have traveled by car with three people who came from Osaka at the beginning of July before symptoms presented. He developed a fever on July 8, butt decided to go to the DJ event at The Rose on July 10th after his temperature dropped and went to work at Kushiya restaurant the following day from 6pm to 9:30pm. It is believed that close contacts number up to around 100 people. The names of his workplace and the bar he visited have been released to help speed up contact tracing and the Fukuyama City call center (084-928-1350) has been flooded who callers. Chugoku Shinbun reports that 23 contacts (family, co-workers and people who attended the DJ event) were tested yesterday, with 1 tested positive.

According to The Rose, DJ events were held in the basement bar on 3 nights in a row. The man in question attended on only the first night, along with about 100 other customers. There are reportedly other customers who attended more than one night.

Sources: Chugoku Shinbun | Yahoo News | Fukuyama City


First case of Covid-19 in Yamaguchi Prefecture since May 5

Yamaguchi Prefecture announced yesterday that an Ube woman in her 20s had tested positive for Covid-19 on July 15. Excluding cases on the Iwakuni Marine Base, she is the first case to be confirmed in the prefecture since May 5.

The woman was reportedly in Osaka July 2-12 and developed a fever on July 11. After a man she had met several times while in Osaka was confirmed to have Covid-19 on July 13 she contacted authorities and was tested. 3 family members tested yesterday were negative for Covid-19.

Source: Chugoku Shinbun


Iwakuni Base case not positive after all

Some good news is that the 4th case positive case reported on the US Marine base in Iwakuni (a man tested at Kansai Airport) has turned out to be negative.

This from the base commander on the MCAS Facebook Page:

The individual traveler has tested negative for COVID-19. Despite the negative test, the affected individual remains in a restriction of movement status, as necessitated by USFJ policy, due to their international travel.

Newly arrived personnel from outside Japan continue to conduct 14-days restriction of movement as soon as they arrive aboard the air station. At this time, the process for retrieving civilian arrivals from Japanese international airports is being refined to ensure continued compliance with GOJ policy and to safeguard the health and safety of the local Japanese community.

Source: Chugoku Shinbun


2 new cases of Covid-19 in Okayama City

2 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in Okayama City yesterday July 16.The two patients are a man in his 20s and a woman in her 80s.

Source: Chugoku Shinbun


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