Hiroshima “Counterculture” [nuttsuponchon]

Goto Izumi heads to Onomichi in the second leg of her search of a local counterculture. [日本語]

exhibit 2

Space: Cumulus

A little artistic space in the waterfront town of Onomichi, Cumulus is the studio and outlet of a creator who goes by the name of ‘nuttsponchon’. Nattsuponchon relocated to Onomichi a couple of years ago and his plain white studio is populated by his works (currently mostly clothing) and some of his favorite things.


His “art” is not something easily categorized; it isn’t really a “thing” at all. Nuttsponchon himself, the culmination of the relationships he has developed through music, travel and love, can, in its own way, be described as art. Conversation with nuttsponchon is always stimulating and always brings unexpected insights.



I’d love to see him shake up some kind of publicly funded or commercial art project which are all too often shackled by common sense. I have no doubt that nuttsponchon has the potential to blast a huge hole in society’s conventional assumptions.


Nuttsponchon has spent a good amount of time overseas and speaks English well. I highly recommend you drop in a see him when you are next in Onomichi. It is an encounter that could spark realizations, fresh and profound.
