Autumn, not Autumn at the konbi

Last week I was super pumped for autumn and I still am, but…

konbini [コンビニ] are being a little slow on the exciting new products. I mean, they do have new products, but it’s kind of that boring in-between time when, although the mornings and evenings are markedly cooler with a beautiful breeze, the hot days of summer are desperately clinging on. In other words, that means you aren’t really getting any proper autumn fare just yet. Instead, you have to be content with the end-of-summer-salads.

Saying that though… oh man, 7-Eleven has released this new salad with roasted vegetables and a not-too creamy, lemony sauce that is delicious. It’s a shame it can’t be a permanent fixture because I suspect it would be a real hit all year round. I ate it every single day for about a week before I thought, okay, Jade, step away from the salad and give something else a chance.

So, I did.

And that’s when I found my other favourite salad of the moment which surprisingly is not something I’m usually a fan : the wadashi de taberu haruzame no tsururin salada. I really don’t like cold noodles which are a HUGE thing in Japan, especially during summer, but for some reason I gave this a chance and actually liked it.

It has a heap of different kinds of seaweed in it so you know it’s healthy. I will say though, that it is slimy, so those of you who don’t like that kind of texture, you will feel like gagging if you eat it. If you’re not sure what I mean, think of gooey snot that sticks to everything when you sneeze. Sorry for the visual, but it’s the closest I could come to an adequate description.

Overall, despite the lack of exciting products at this present moment, I do promise you, soon there will be more autumn goodies than I can possibly eat and tell you about here (I will try my best though!) I know this because I consulted the Seven Meal magazine I mentioned a couple of weeks ago.

I know I told you I love that magazine but I don’t think you realise just how much. The photos are exquisite and I totally, “ooh,” and “aah,” over them. I think of it as konbini-porn. Forget those other, ‘naughty,’ and, ‘dirty,’ magazines in konbini; this for me, is the good stuff!

I’d like to end with an email I received lately. My nickname of Jack Crispy may in fact be a thing of the past and I think I prefer this name given to be in this message from a Japanese reader.

konbini lover jade email

Yep, “Konbini-Lover Jade-san”.

It’s an interesting blend of both English and Japanese ideas to say the least. So yes, now I am Konbini Junkie, Konbini-Lover, or as I often refer to myself, Konbini Otaku [コンビニオタク] or konbini nerd.

That’s it for this week! I’m off to hunt down new bargains and fingers-crossed, new products that have that distinct autumn flavour just for you.

Cheerio! (that’s Aussie speak for see you later)

Jade Brischke

Jade first visited Hiroshima with a group of her students from Australia and after falling in love with the city, vowed that one day she would return to live and work. It seems dreams really do come true! When she's not writing she's out and about with her camera, walking and exploring the streets or some may say, wandering aimlessly. She, however, doesn't believe any wandering is aimless. Jade blogs regularly at
