3.5m Great White Shark Caught in Suo Oshima

A 3.5m-long Great White Shark was caught by a Suo-Oshima fisherman on May 22.

The shark, classified as an endangered species, was caught off the north coast of Ukishima Island in the town of Suo Oshima in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Tadayoshi Nakamura, was reeling in a Spanish mackerel gillnet with his father at around 1:00 a.m. when the shark became entangled in the net. The shark was still alive, so they tied the entire net to the boat and returned to port only to find it dead on arrival.

Great White Shark brought to shore

Great White Shark close up

Fisherman shows size of great white

Nagisa Aquarium took possession of the shark and, after examining it, put it on display on the back of a truck in front of the aquarium.

Source: Chugoku Shinbun
