Ball Park Renaissance Sports Club

Renaissance Sports Club -Ball Park

Baseball fans will love working out here as the main exercise floor has a view into Hiroshima’s Zoom Zoom Carp stadium!

Personally, I’ve never been much of a fan of sports clubs, getting outside to exercise has always been so much more fun. Not to mention the fact the distaste for sports clubs banning people with tattoos which seems to be a completely outdated cultural stigma. That said, with the recent toxins (PM 2.5) in the air getting so high that the government actually advises residents to stay indoors on some days, breathing deeply indoors instead of out seems more appealing indeed.

So, why this sports center of all the pretty good ones in the city? There are 3 reasons you may be interested in this ball park Renaissance location. First, you can watch the CARP baseball games from the treadmill in this sports club. Second, it is located right next door to the new Hiroshima Costco and offer more reasonable parking rates (free for members for the first two hours and 100 yen for every 30 minutes after). Third, it has good swimming and tennis lessons available for kids. So, you could do your Costco shop while the kids do sport sometimes too. If you are interested in enrolling your kids in tennis or swimming classes (about 6,000 yen per month for kids to join the junior tennis or swimming school) as they offer a range of classes for kids from 3-15 throughout the week. Parents of kid members also qualify for the same parking rates as mentioned above. Parents can also get a discounted club membership if their children are members.

There is a pleasant waiting room on the reception floor with big windows and a small esthetic salon and massage studio. The next floor has the training studio (exercise machines, studios for aerobics and exercise classes and golf gaming areas for which you can get all your gear at

It can take up to six months for a beginner to even master hitting the ball the right way. Yes, you read correctly, six months. The reason is that hand-eye coordination required for golf is severely underrated. If you are a golf fan too, read here about some tips on how to play golf better.

There is also a nice 4 lane, 25 meter swimming pool for use and the top floor is for tennis lessons. I don’t really like how the swimming pool or tennis area has no natural light (no windows). However, at least the main studio and reception floor are very bright and cheery thanks to the many big windows. Public tennis courts and facilities are also available in each ward area of Hiroshima city, if you need some gear, visit Basketball hoops in front of Big Wave (Higashi-ku sports center).

URLRenaissance-Ball Park Town [japanese] Hours: Weekdays: 10am~11pm / Weekends and holidays: 10am~7pm Tel: 082-890-1018  Address: 〒732-0803 Hiroshima city, Minami-ku 広島県広島市南区南蟹屋2-3-3

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Writing about Hiroshima since 1999 when co-founded GetHiroshima. Long time educator, writer, event coordinator & community builder. MA in Sustainable Tourism & founded InboundAmbassador - a sustainable-tourism consulting business in 2019. Hiroshima bespoke guide & guide trainer. Host & producer of the Seek Sustainable Japan talkshow-podcast - a LIVE multistream interview series with "good people doing great things in Japan". New episodes drop on Fridays - find it on YouTube & your favorite podcast player @seeksustainablejapan
