Mountain & Beach OSJ Grand Prix + Self Discovery Adventure

OSJ Grand PrixSometimes, you come across sports events that look like they’d be pretty fun, but they are just too far away to make it worthwhile to do just a trail run, a mountain bike race, an aquathlon or a speed climb. What if you could spend a weekend in a beautiful part of Japan ticking off each and every one of the above?

That’s exactly what this “Power Sports” weekend in Tottori offers at the end of September.

Those who take part in the OSJ Grand Prix event can do each of the events over two days, Friday September 19 and Saturday September 20, with points awarded to the top 20 finishers. The competitor with the highest number of points after the 5 events will win the Grand Prix.

Those who want to try all 5 events will need their own transport as the event sites are fairly spread out (head to the bottom of this page for a map showing all the event sites). The organisers will, however, provide kayaks for free and make climbing gear available for a rental fee.

It sounds like a great way to experience a variety of outdoor sports, chaco out Tottori’s beautiful scenery and, no doubt, meet some cool people. Why not combine it with a trip out to Tottori’s famous sand dune?

OSJ Grand Prix

OSJ Grand Prix Events

September 19

  • Aquathlon (1.5km swim/6km run) 10am start
  • Kayak (approx 6km) 13:00 start
  • Speed Climbing (2 routes) 18:00 start

September 20

  • Trail Run (approx 12km) 08:00
  • Mountain Bike (approx 40km) 13:00

You can enter the Grand Prix as an individual or a team, or you can pick and choose individual events you’d like to have a go at.

Individual Entry Fees

  • 1 event ¥5000
  • 2 events ¥9500
  • 3 events ¥13,500
  • 4 events ¥17,000
  • 5 events ¥20,000

Team of 5 (one person per event) ¥25,000

You can enter online at Sports Entry here.

Postal entry forms can be downloaded here [pdf] and should be sent to

OSJ Grand Prix
Power Sports
628-3 Tokiwa, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture

〒248-0022 神奈川県鎌倉市常盤628‐3

Entry fees should be paid into the (有)パワースポーツ Post Office account number 00200-9-114633

The Self Discovery Adventure Race takes place over the same weekend, and is a two person team event. It starts with a speed climbing event on at 18:00 on Saturday, September 20 with a speed climbing event, followed by a day of mountain biking, trail running and canyoning covering a combined distance of around 100km on Sunday, September 21.

self discovery adventure

Teams can be two men, two women or one of each (over 15 years old) and it costs ¥30,000 per team to enter. Online entry is at Sports Entry here.

Entry deadline for both the Grand Prix and the Self Discovery Adventure events is August 31.

More information (in Japanese)

Tel: 0467-61-2235
Fax: 0467-61-2237


Paul Walsh

Paul arrived in Hiroshima "for a few months" back in 1996. He is the co-founder of and loves running in the mountains.
