Kissa Saeki organic cafe & kitchen

40 year old family run traditional Japanese-style cafe that now focuses on healthy interpretations of kissaten favorites using organic fare.

We are huge fans of the kissaten and junkissa coffee shops that are hanging on despite tough competition from big chain and hipster coffee outlets alike. And, it must be said that in our love for their retro fittings and Showa ambience, we often have to turn a blind eye to uninspiring coffee and overcooked eggs served up in smoky spaces. Kissa Saeki has done something very cool, however. They have preserved the ambience of the original coffee shop opened by the father of the current manager in 1977, while transforming the menu.

Kissa Saeki is very proud that they avoid using any chemical seasonings or GMO foods, and use organically grown and local ingredients whenever possible. They also have one of the largest selection of vegan dishes in the city. Kissa Saeki is open from 8am to 8pm and serves breakfast until 11am, followed by lunch plates, desserts and drinks. The bread used in their breakfast and sandwich sets comes from Oheso Cafe bakery in rural Sera (you can pick up your own Oheso made bread to take home early in the week) and the rice is organic germinated “enzyme” whole grain rice.

Two “morning” breakfast sets are available in until 11am: the standard breakfast for ¥600 and a vegan salad breakfast set that comes with coffee, toast and salad for ¥750.

Lunch sets (served from 11am-7pm or until they are sold out)

  • Daily fish lunch set [日替わりお魚ランチ] ¥790
  • Karaage fried chicken lunch set [鶏のからあげランチ] ¥990
  • Chicken steak lunch set [鶏肉ステーキランチ] ¥1150
  • Chicken sandwich [チキンサンド] ¥750

Vegan lunch sets

  • Glutinous millet croquettes set [ひよこ豆コロッケランチ] ¥990
  • Lentil hamburg steak set [レンズ豆ハンバーグランチ] ¥1150
  • Vegan curry [重ね煮マサラカレ] ¥950
  • Assorted fried food set [ミックスフライ] ¥750
  • Enzyme brown rice ball set [おむすびセット] ¥830
  • Japanese wheat gluten cutlet sandwich [車麩かつサンド] ¥650

Extra large portion of rice +¥100.
Extra large portion of curry +¥150.
¥100 off any drink ordered with a lunch set.


  • Raw, sugar-free hemp chocolate tart [ヘンプチョコタルト] ¥600 *vegan
  • Desserts selection[デザート盛り合わせ] ¥1000
  • Mini muffin (Hot or chilled) [ミニマフィン] ¥300 *vegan
  • Scone [スコーン] ¥380 *vegan
  • Brown Chiffon Cake [ブラウンシフォンケーキ] ¥450
  • Salt malt cookies [塩麹クッキー] ¥200
  • Banana ice cream ¥500 [バナナアイス]


  • Organic coffee (hot/iced) [オーガニックコーヒー] ¥400
  • Brown rice coffee [玄米珈琲] (caffeine free) ¥450
  • Organic earl grey tea (hot/iced) [オーガニックティー] ¥450
  • Organic ginger ale (hot/iced) [オーガニックジンジャーエール] ¥500
  • Fermented cassis juice (hot/iced/soda) [酵素カシスジュース] ¥500
  • Organic cocoa (soy milk) [オーガニックココア] ¥500
  • Enzyme Juice [酵素ジュース] ¥600
  • Organic mandarin orange juice [オーガニックみかんジュース] ¥500
  • Straight apple juice [ストレートりんごジュース] ¥500
  • Heartland beer [ハートランドビール] ¥500
  • Droplets of Daigo (Natural liquor) [珊瑚のしずく] ¥400
  • Veritasbraii (Non alcoholic beer) [ヴェリタスブロイ] ¥500
  • Non-smoking
  • English menu
  • Free WiFi
  • Credit cards accepted

Opening hours: 7:30-20:00 (L.O. 19:30)”Morning” breakfasts until 11:00

Address in Japanese: 〒730-0031 広島県広島市中区紙屋町1丁目4−25
Tel: 082-246-9339


Paul Walsh

Paul arrived in Hiroshima "for a few months" back in 1996. He is the co-founder of and loves running in the mountains.
