Helping children in Hiroshima become bilingual
Feeling some concern over your child’s English ability?
Maybe your child…
…speaks English well, but his reading and writing skills are weak for his age.
…attends an international school, but needs additional English support to do well.
…is a returnee and her English ability needs to be maintained and developed.
…is just beginning to learn English and you want him to have the best start possible.
…is now learning English at school, but needs more support to make stronger progress.
How Bilingual Kids can help your child
Bilingual Kids provides private English support for children in Hiroshima, both children whose first language is English and children learning English as a second language. The support for each child is highly personalized to address individual needs and goals, with the greater aim of helping the child become as fully bilingual as possible.
The founder and teacher of Bilingual Kids is Adam Beck, a long-term resident of Japan. Adam has taught English to hundreds of children in Hiroshima over the past 15 years, many of them as a teacher at Hiroshima International School. An expert on children and bilingualism, he served as the editor of the book “The ABCs of Bilingualism” published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
Although his own children attend Japanese schools, he has put this expertise into practice and they are now bilingual in all four language skills, both speaking-listening and reading-writing. Adam is also a professional writer and serves as the chief proofreader and editor of the English content for the Hiroshima Peace Media Center. From 2007-2012, he also wrote a regular column called “English Challenge” for the Chugoku Shimbun.
How enrollment is handled
• Children generally receive private English support once a week for 60 minutes.
• The Bilingual Kids classroom is conveniently located in Ushita-higashi, not far from Hiroshima Jogakuin University. (Children are dropped off and then picked up.)
• The fee for each session is 5000 yen. (There is also a one-time joining fee of 5000 yen.) The joining fee will be waived until September 1st!
• Parents cover the cost of learning materials.
• Children are expected to complete homework assignments each week.
To discuss your child’s needs with Adam, please send a message to adambeck[at] or call 090-2296-7876.