Ginzo is an izakaya-style restaurant located in Yokogawa, but what caught my eye was the way it advertises itself as a 100 yen drink bar. Yes people, ¥100! I assumed it was 100 yen for the first drink and then subsequently more after. Not so!

In fact, all drinks on the menu, bar beer, are ¥100 (beer is ¥300). The only condition: order over ¥2000 worth of food. Easy peasy my partner in crime and I agreed. And so we proceeded to drink and drink and drink.

The food menu is quite extensive with a nice range of Japanese and Western inspired choices from raw ham to carbonara and favourites like kare-age. It’s easily separated into ¥300, ¥500 and ¥700 categories and you order via a touchscreen located within your booth or at your table.

Ginzo outside



Ginzo consists of two floors with izakaya-style rooms downstairs and table seating upstairs. There is also an option for a private room for parties.

My friend and I stayed until closing time and I vaguely remember the bill. My empty wallet the next morning would testify to the fact that we drank (and ate) a lot more than I initially thought. Yep, 11 red wines and 6 beers between us to be exact. Good times. Just not so good the next morning.

Drinks menu at Ginzo

Opening hours: 11:30-15:00 (L.O. 14:00), 17:00-24:00 (L.O. 23:00)
Tel: 082-532-2350

Address: 3-10-17 Yokogawa-cho, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, 733-0011
Address in Japanese: 〒733-0011 広島県広島市西区横川町3丁目10−27 GINZO

Jade Brischke

Jade first visited Hiroshima with a group of her students from Australia and after falling in love with the city, vowed that one day she would return to live and work. It seems dreams really do come true! When she's not writing she's out and about with her camera, walking and exploring the streets or some may say, wandering aimlessly. She, however, doesn't believe any wandering is aimless. Jade blogs regularly at
