Drive-through PCR Tests Coming to Iwakuni

A drive-through PCR testing center is coming to Iwakuni from September 10, at a former waste processing plant.

It is reported that each test will take as little as 15 minutes and people will receive their results the following day.

You need to be over school age, show symptoms such as having fever or a cough and be referred by your regular doctor to be eligible. Patients will not have to leave their cars to be tested.

Sounds great, except the test center will only be open on Tuesday and Wednesdays between 2:30pm and 4:30pm and it is thought it will be able to handle 8 patients a day. People without cars and children under school age will have to go through the current process of going through their local health centers.

Address: 65-65, 2-chome Minami Iwakuni, Iwakuni岩国市南岩国町二丁目 65-65
Tel: 0827-29-5011

Sources: Chugoku Shinbun | Yamaguchi Prefecture
