Hiroden X Hiroshima Carp T-shirt

To commemorate the 20th year of the Hiroden streetcar festival the 100-year-old company has made a limited edition shirt with Hiroshima Carp.

June 15, 2015

The Hiroden Streetcar Festival is being held this Sunday, June 7 at its Senda-machi stockyard. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the event the century-old company has joined forces with the Hiroshima Carp to produce a limited edition T-shirt to be sold at the event.

The design features the Carp’s Carp Boya dressed as a Hiroden tram conductor with peaked cap in place of his usual helmet and brandishing an in car announcement mic instead of a bat. The Carp’s “Red Rising” logo is featured above the characters 広電祭 hiroden-matsuri.

Any T-shirts unsold at the festival will be available at Hiroden’s Senda-machi ticket office on Monday morning. However, considering Hiroshima folks’ passion for the Carp and love for its streetcars, we think it’s unlikely that there will be any left.

Read more about the Hiroden Streetcar Festival here and get details about the event here.

Paul Walsh

Paul arrived in Hiroshima "for a few months" back in 1996. He is the co-founder of GetHiroshima.com and loves running in the mountains.
