Hiroshima Cross Country
Dogoyama Cross Country Park Misaka, Saijo-cho, , Shobara-shi, Japan8km, 5km, 3km. 1.5 and 1km races on the rolling grass course at the excellent Cross Country Park in Saijo
8km, 5km, 3km. 1.5 and 1km races on the rolling grass course at the excellent Cross Country Park in Saijo
This biennial celebration of animation is a great place to catch animation from around the world (and see Non-English language
A chance to see the nocturnal animals in action and to escape to the relative cool of the Asa highlands. The
A chance to see the nocturnal animals in action and to escape to the relative cool of the Asa highlands. The
A chance to see the nocturnal animals in action and to escape to the relative cool of the Asa highlands. The
A chance to see the nocturnal animals in action and to escape to the relative cool of the Asa highlands. The
If you love your local buses or are looking for some rare souvenirs and interior pieces (how about watching Netflix from your very own love seat ripped from your favorite bus?) the Hiroshima Bus Festival could be the place for you.
Kagura performances on Saturday night and omkoshi portable shrine parades and kids sumo on Sunday in Ushita. Saturday, October 20
Aki-matsuri autumn festival at one of Hiroshima's oldest shrines. Stalls, kagura and wa-daiko Japanese drumming. Saturday October 20 18:00 Japanese
The home to one of Japan's few execution chambers throws open its gates for a day of fun.