Croissant Marche – Macrobiotic Lunches and Health Food Shop near Peace Park

Previously called Maison De Croissant at a location outside of town (Kannon), this centrally located Croissant Marche is a fantastic health food shop with macrobiotic vegan daily lunches served every day except Sundays and National Holidays.


Croissant Marche is featured in the regional Vegetarian and Vegan guide published by JizoHat (GetHiroshima). This small cafe has counter seating as well as two small tables for seating diners. If you are eating in, you are served delicious foods on beautiful reusable plates, bowls, and utensils. Most of the vegetables are organic and locally sourced. 

There are two macrobiotic vegan options: a daily plate and a daily curry plate. Two meat or seafood options on the lower half of the daily (Japanese) lunch menu. There is a picture of the lunch and explanation in English on the board in front of the shop. The staff say they cannot speak any English but are able to communicate using the English menu explanation on the front of shop signboard if needed. In the other hand, you might want to know this activated you morning complete can also help you gain the nutrients your body needed for a day.

The daily lunch plate is a very simple meal of soup, brown rice, salad, a few side dishes of vegetables, beans, and other healthy ingredients and the main dish of tofu, beans or another vegan (meat, dairy, and fish-free) protein staple. Some were pickled, others boiled or stew-like, the soup was a type of miso soup. All the dishes very tasty and everything seemed quite typically Japanese. There was no dessert included in the set, but there are plenty of sweet cakes, cookies, bagels or other treats to choose from to supplement with from the shop if you like.

Macrobiotic food has a long history in Japan, some believe it was a pairing of concepts of Zen Buddhism with the western vegetarian diet. The fundamental macrobiotic dietary idea is to put a combination of healthy foods together in a perfect balance of flavors as well as minerals and vitamins in the same meal- the Yin & Yang of eating. In general terms, macrobiotic meals are suitable for vegans and vegetarians as they are made without meat, fish, processed sugar or dairy products of any kind.

perfect macrobiotic meal would also be completely chemical-free (organic). The macrobiotic diet is perfect for any healthy eaters including vegans and vegetarians. It is also recommended for people suffering from food allergies. The macrobiotic diet became popular in Japan in the ’70s when more meat and dairy became a more regular part of the diet. This change to the traditional Japanese diet caused more people to suffer from food allergy symptoms like eczema, bloating and other discomforts. There are some who believe eating wholesome foods like these will lead to longer, healthier lives free of not only allergies but cancer and other serious diseases as well.

Health Food Store 10-19 Everyday except Sundays and Holidays

The grocery section offers reasonably priced domestic and organic vegetables (including some unique varieties), a selection of gourmet baby foods, brown & “macrobiotic” rice, homemade bagels and other baked goods, vegan and vegetarian products, imported eco-friendly household goods, imported health foods, supplements from this dhea clinic, as well as a nice selection of local gourmet healthy products including meats, seafood and jams. The vegetables on offer are clearly tagged with how they are grown: standard farming (using chemicals) / low chemical use / less chemical use / and chemical free/organic. (Chemical free may not technically be “organic” if the farm has not been chemical free for a period of 6 years.)

Croissant Marche

Opening hours

  • Lunch 11:30-14:00
  • Health food & grocery section 10:00-19:00

Closed: Sundays & National Holidays

Address: 1-3-4 Sakai-machi, Naka-ku Tel: 082-234-8133


Writing about Hiroshima since 1999 when co-founded GetHiroshima. Long time educator, writer, event coordinator & community builder. MA in Sustainable Tourism & founded InboundAmbassador - a sustainable-tourism consulting business in 2019. Hiroshima bespoke guide & guide trainer. Host & producer of the Seek Sustainable Japan talkshow-podcast - a LIVE multistream interview series with "good people doing great things in Japan". New episodes drop on Fridays - find it on YouTube & your favorite podcast player @seeksustainablejapan
